Victory Christian International School’s HomeStudyProgram offers students a unique form of instruction that:

Is anchored on Biblical principles

Faith and learning are integrated as the Bible becomes a part of the core subjects so that students see the world from God’s eternal perspective. Students will be able to recognize and appreciate God’s glory and carry out the values they learned even outside of the classroom.


Fosters a love for learning through deep learning

Students learn through discovery and multi-sensory approaches as they acquire information by engaging their visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic learning styles. In doing this, students enjoy, connect with, and truly discern the materials rather than merely knowing them on a surface level.


Involves both the parents and the school

In contrast to other home school programs wherein the parents are left to handle their child’s schooling all by themselves, in the VCIS HomeStudy™ program, the school is more involved in the education of the child. Hence, there is a partnership between the parents and the school, giving the child the best of both worlds: a customized educational experience at home and the supervision and guidance of the school.